Free presentation tools

Icons for presentations

Search 100K+ icons from the most popular icon libraries to find the perfect icons for your next presentation

This icon search is powered by Icones and Iconify.
How does it work?
Search for an icon
Type a description of the icon you are looking for and press control enter to search across dozens of icon libraries.
Download the icon
You can download any of the icons to your computer as a PNG or SVG file.
Insert your icon into your presentation
You can use these icons like regular images inside of PowerPoint or Google Slides.

Plus icons for presentations features

200K+ icons
Search from a database of 216,615 icons to find your perfect icon
100+ icon sets
Search the most popular icon sets like Material, Lucide, Feather, and more
Direct download
No sign-up, no payment, no other app required. Just download what you need
Intelligent searching
You don't need to search the 'perfect' word with the instant 'fuzzy' searching
Use filters to narrow down categories and find icons with filters instead of search
Multiple formats
Download icons as PNG or SVG, depending on your needs


Where can I get free icons for PowerPoint?

One of the best ways to get free icons for PowerPoint is to use open source icon libraries.

Typically, these icon libraries are used by designers and developers building websites, but you can use them for presentations as well.

To quickly search across all of the most popular icon libraries, you can use the Plus AI icon library, powered by Icones.

What is the best website for free icons?

There are many website for free icons. The Plus AI icon library uses Icones to allow you to quickly search for icons in the most popular open source icon libraries.

Does Google Slides have free icons?

Google Slides does not have a native icon feature to insert icons. There are several add-ons that you can install to insert icons or you can copy and paste icons as images directly into Google Slides.

Can I find icons for presentations using AI?

Yes, you can use a tool like Plus AI to add an icon slide into your presentation. Plus will automatically generate the content for your slide and find the best icon for your slide.

How can I make my slides look good?

Learning to make beautiful presentations is both an art and a science. Here are our favorite tips on how to make PowerPoint slides look good.

If you'd rather focus on your presentation content instead of design, you can also try using Plus AI to create your next presentation.

Holen Sie mehr heraus mit Plus AI for Enterprise

Hochwertige, maßgeschneiderte Markenpräsentationen — in großem Maßstab.
Sparen Sie Zeit bei Präsentationen und Dokumenten mit unserer Suite von KI-gestützten Tools — maßgeschneidert für Ihr Unternehmen.
Holen Sie sich eine Demo
Benutzerdefinierte Vorlagen und Eingabeaufforderungen
Wir konvertieren Ihre vorhandenen Vorlagen oder entwerfen von Grund auf eine neue, die zu Ihrer Markenidentität passt.
KI-gestützte Automatisierungen
Ihre benutzerdefinierte Vorlage funktioniert mit unserer gesamten Suite von KI-Tools zum Generieren und Bearbeiten von Folien.
Arbeitet dort, wo du es tust
Funktioniert in Google Slides und PowerPoint. Exportieren Sie in das Format, das Sie benötigen.