Transform your Twitter strategy: 7 best AI tweet generators of 2024

You want to build a Twitter presence to grow your personal brand. Why not ask AI for help? I tested over 40 AI tweet generators, and these are the seven best.

You want to build a Twitter presence to grow your personal brand. You’ve experimented with a combination of Twitter threads, tweets with images, and standard tweets. Maybe you struggle with tweeting consistently. Or perhaps you’ve been tweeting for months and have barely seen an uptick in your Twitter community.

Why not ask AI for help? There are a gazillion AI tools in the market (for every use case you can think of) to help you write better tweets, fast. I tested over 40 AI tweet generators, and these are the seven best.

The 7 best AI tweet generators

  • Postwise for nearly ready-to-publish tweets
  • AtOnce for a human-like voice in your tweets
  • Hypefury for managing all your Twitter marketing in one place
  • Writesonic for generating decent Twitter threads
  • Tribescaler for the best Twitter thread hooks
  • Automata for repurposing your existing content into Twitter threads and tweets
  • SocialBee for getting prompt templates

But first: Do you even need an AI tweet generator?

It should be highlighted that you may not even need a separate AI tweet generator if your existing tool stack has it built-in.

It’s easier to use the functionalities available in your existing toolbox rather than adding another one into the mix. That said, I found specialized AI tweet generators did a far better job of creating high-quality tweets compared to apps with built-in AI writing assistants. Maybe you can use AI in your existing apps if you need help rarely, but I wouldn’t recommend relying solely on built-in AI features if you’re serious about growing your Twitter presence.

What makes a great AI tweet generator?

Every AI tool on the market can generate tweets, but what makes a useful AI tweet generator? Here are the three questions I used to evaluate every tool I tested:

Does it sound like me? The more a tweet sounds like you, the less editing it requires. The ideal AI tweet generators will ask you for your profile handle to get an understanding of your voice, but those even asking for the tone preference can suffice.

Are the tweets generic? How useful a tweet would be depends on how good your prompt is. But many AI tweet generators in the market will create a bland, boring, and broad tweet which are rarely useful. An AI tweet generator can’t think on its own, but it should be able to do the best out of the prompt it was given.

Is the tool affordable? Most AI tweet generators have limited free trials for you to test them. After the trial ends, payment options vary widely. I examined if the price is worth the output the tool provides.

With that, here are my picks for the seven best AI tweet generators.

1: Postwise

Best for nearly ready-to-publish tweets

Postwise was one of the best AI tweet generators I tested. Its tweets were of the highest quality, even when the prompts weren’t very specific. Out of all the tools I tried, Postwise required the least number of edits to go live.

Not just this: Postwise also gives you AI suggestions on the topics you should post about once you connect your Twitter account with it. This feature is handy for someone who isn’t new to Twitter, but often runs into roadblocks brainstorming the right tweet ideas. Postwise analyzes your past tweets and gives topic ideas based on them.

Lastly, Postwise isn’t just an AI tweet generator, you can schedule your tweets directly using the platform. There’s also an “inspiration” tab on your dashboard containing tweets from various topics, but these were subpar, and I found most were unusable.

It has also recently released a “Ghostwriter” feature where you get your own ghostwriter to write your tweets based on your style. It’ll cost at $100 extra.

Price: $37/month with 400 AI tweet credits.

Alternative: Contentblock is a decent alternative to Postwise, although Contentblock’s tweets are more formal and generic. It can act as a good starting point to build off from. A useful feature Contentblock has that Postwise doesn’t: an in-built ChatGPT to answer all your questions or brainstorm tweet ideas.

2: At Once

Best for having a human-like voice in your tweets

The issue with most AI tweet generators is they sound too stuffy and robotic. After reading a dozen unedited versions, it’d be easy to spot tweets written by AI versus those written by a human.

AtOnce solves this issue by generating tweets in a human-like voice. It uses emojis, slang, and a humorous tone to write your tweets.

I found AtOnce works best with ultra-specific prompts rather than one-liners. It isn’t the best at generating non-generic tweets using information from its own knowledge base.

AtOnce isn’t limited to generating AI tweets: it can also help with Instagram captions, LinkedIn posts, blog posts, ads, images, product descriptions, emails, and more. Like Contentblock, it also has its own AI chatbot embedded inside the app to answer any questions.

Price: $29/month for 20,000 words.

Alternative: Easy-peasy is a close alternative to AtOnce for generating human-sounding tweets. Easy-peasy gives you the option to select the tone of your choice and generates tweets embodying the topic and tone. AtOnce is still better, but Easy-peasy might have a better use case if you want varying tones in your tweets.

3: Hypefury

Best for managing all your Twitter marketing in one place

Hypefury is a household name in the Twitter marketing industry. And now it has launched its own AI tweet generator. Hypefury works on a unique model: you’re asked to select a few of your high-performing tweets, and its AI gives you tweet examples you can use.

Its tweets are decent enough, although none of them were as good as Postwise. They’d need light editing or multiple iterations of selecting different combinations of tweets.

But the best part about Hypefury is its your all-in-one tool for Twitter marketing. Using Hypefury you can:

  • Convert your blogs to Twitter threads
  • Schedule your Twitter posts in advance
  • Retweet your best tweets for extra engagement
  • Choose your next hook from its viral thread hook list
  • Convert your tweets into aesthetic Instagram images
  • Add a follow-up tweet (like your newsletter sign-up URL) automatically

Hypefury is the best tool for any creator or business serious about growing on Twitter. It takes many mundane, admin Twitter marketing tasks off your plate.

Price: Free plan available. Premium plan starts at $49/month.

4: Writesonic

Best for generating decent Twitter threads

Threads are the bread-and-butter of Twitter. But they are extremely time-consuming to write. Of all the tools I tested, Writesonic does the most decent job generating Twitter threads.

Writesonic functions best on specific prompts. For example, try telling it the sub-header of each thread. It can build a basic one to two-liner from the sub-heading. Its tweet structure is also top-notch, with the right use of emojis.

Another thing I noticed is Writesonic works best after a few regenerations of the same prompt. It needs a couple of tweets or Twitter threads to clear its throat and gives the best result around the fourth or fifth regeneration.

Writesonic is like AtOnce—meaning it has many other AI content creation abilities besidestweet generation. Use it to write your product descriptions, ads, landing pages, and outlines. It also has features like “paraphrase” or “expander” to modify your existing content. Lastly, Writesonic also enables you to create AI art from text. These images come in handy to add to your content or use alongside your presentation tools.

Price: Free plan available for up to 10,000 words. Paid plans begin at $19/month for up to 100,000 words.

Alternative: Storylab is a good Writesonic alternative, but only for single tweets and not for Twitter threads. It asks you to select a writing style—like bold or casual—and works best when given detailed prompts.

5: Tribescaler

Best for Twitter thread hooks

A hook can make or break your Twitter thread engagement. Twitter is filled to the brim with Twitter threads about how to write better Twitter thread hooks (so meta on Twitter).

Tribescaler saves you hours by handing you the best hooks on a silver platter. No more combing through tips, thinking of the best hook, and refining the text. Its “hook writer” is a separate feature from its AI tweet generator.

You provide Tribescaler with a rough title of your thread, and it gives you hook ideas based on reusable templates that have worked for successful Twitter users. It’s that simple. It also has a “hook refiner” and a “hook library” to further level up your Twitter thread game. Tribescaler is perfect for someone who’s just starting to write threads and hopes to get more engagement on them.

Price: Free plan available with 500 words per month. Paid plan is priced at $49/month for unlimited words and hook generations.

6: Automata

Best for repurposing your existing content into Twitter threads or tweets

Content repurposing has all the hype. And it’s valid: you want to double down on content that’s performed well for you. What no one talks about is how effortful content repurposing is.

This month alone, repurposing one of my own articles into a Twitter thread took me 50 minutes.

Enter: Automata. Add the link to your article, video, case study, product page, e-book, whitepaper, or literally any other format—and Automata will convert it into a Twitter thread or tweet for you. You can also upload a file instead of adding a URL.

I tested it for a long-form article comparing Airtable versus Notion, and the output was good enough. I can’t say any of it is worth posting directly. But just the tool doing the sub-header splits for each tweet of a Twitter thread is a huge time saver.

Automata’s single tweets were repurposed better than the repurposed Twitter thread. Many of it was simply copy-pasted though, so remember to make light edits on your end before posting.

Hypefury has the same functionality, and if it suffices for you, you don’t need Automata at all.

Price: Plans start at $49/month for 50 pieces of repurposed content.

7: SocialBee

Best for getting Twitter prompt templates

If you’re new to Twitter and AI, the primary thing you might struggle with is giving prompts to any AI tool to get the best results.

SocialBee is best for beginners because it gives you various prompt templates to learn from.

It has certain prompts for Twitter (and many other social media platforms) on the left, which you can click on and customize for your topic. You can also choose your ideal tone of voice, word count, emoji preference, and more.

The AI-generated tweets were decent enough—especially when you used SocialBee’s prompt templates. It also has a built-in social media scheduler, if you don’t want to add another tool for content scheduling.

Price: Plans start at $24/month for up to five social profiles.

AI, AI, captain

AI tweet generators can’t do 100% of the job for you. But if you have ideas and expertise, these AI tools can help craft them in a Twitter-friendly format.

All the AI tweet tools listed above have something unique to offer. Use them to cut your Twitter content creation time and grow faster.

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