Find the right Notion Project Management template for you

Notion can do a lot of things and replace a lot of other tools in your library. In this article we’ll run through some of your best options for Notion project management templates.

Notion can do a lot of things and replace a lot of other tools in your library. In this article we’ll run through some of your best options for Notion project management templates.

Free project management templates

In most cases a free template will do the job. We would recommend trying one of these options before going down the paid route.

Ultimate Tasks and Projects Template by Thomas Frank

Thomas Frank is one of the top Notion influencers and experts, which is obvious when looking at this Notion project management template. Thomas built this template to replace his own need to use Asana for his company project management and Todoist for his personal task management, and has perfected it while battletesting it himself. The project management template contains a range of features, including:

  • Today view to plan your day.
  • Project management board for managing bigger projects. This includes kanban-style boards.
  • Recurring task management.

Simple Project Management - Notion template

As the name suggests, this free Notion project management template is built for simplicity, but this doesn’t mean it is void of functionality at all. The template is designed both for personal and team use, and it offers a plethora of features, including:

  • Project progression tracker.
  • All the expected project management views, including gallery, kanban board and timeline.
  • Task views, including today, this week, and overdue
  • Archive system to keep your project management system clean.

Manage Your Freelance Business with Notion by Notionway

This template is designed for freelancers who need to manage several projects across many clients – this can become very complicated and really needs a template for itself. While there are countless types of freelancers, this template has done a good job of being agnostic to the type of freelancer, letting the user adjust to their needs. Features of this project management template include:

  • Project scope of work examples to help kick off new projects.
  • Project tasks, including an overview of tasks across projects.
  • Project hand-off example to help close out projects.

Project management with Plus

While this isn’t a Notion template, it offers a solution if you are not quite ready to give up on your traditional project management tools, but want to consolidate it all in one place. Plus lets you take self-updating Snapshots of all your project management tools and embed them in one place. As you can see in this example, it allows users to create a custom project management view that includes Snapshots from every relevant tool – and it’s as easy as taking screenshots.

Paid project management templates

While free Notion project management templates can be more than enough for most, these paid options often offer a more streamlined and aesthetic experience than the free options. While aesthetics are not everything, visualization is a key part of a good project management template.

Ultimate Project Manager by Pascio

Pascio, like Thomas Frank, is very influential in Notion circles. If you don’t buy his templates, we’d still recommend following him on social media if you want to learn more about Notion. This project management template is very focused on providing a clear visual overview of your projects. Features included:

  • Drag and drop functionality, the kind of feature you’ll generally get with paid templates.
  • Progress bars and other visual overviews.

Price: $20

Project Management - a Notion Template for Teams by Will - the Productive Dad

This Notion project management template is built to give users a Jira-like experience within Notion, and functions as an all-in-one project management tool. This means the template includes all the features that you’d expect from a traditional project management tool, including:

  • Tickets, including 25 properties for each ticket.
  • Sprints and epics – this template is based on an agile workflow.
  • Knowledgebase – a big part of successful project management is knowledge sharing.
  • Client ticket management.

Price: £10

Notion PM by Slashmint

The creator of this template was previously setting up a new kanban board, tasks etc. every time they started a new client project, and created this template to solve this problem. The template allows users to easily set up new projects in the shape of dashboards, which contains the following features:

  • Document management
  • Contacts – know who is responsible for what and how to contact them is key for client project management.
  • Stages, or a black view of the roadmap to manage the stages of the project.
  • A timeline view, which is derived from the roadmap.
  • A Kanban view, which has become an essential part of project management tools.

Price: $37

Studio Pro System by SuperNotion Pro

This Notion template is in the higher price range, but it is also purpose-built for a specific user group (Web Designers, Webflow Developers and creative entrepreneurs). It’s designed to let this group of users more easily manage their business, and it could be argue that this goes beyond just project management and becomes more of an OS. Features include:

  • Finance management.
  • A built-in CRM.
  • Roadmap views for project management.
  • Task management.

We hope you found a template that works for you in this guide - let us know if you think there are any that we missed.

Table of Contents
  1. Item text