PowerPoint Karaoke: Rules, tips, and free slide decks

Overview of PowerPoint Karaoke, rules, and free slide decks for PowerPoint Karaoke

Love PowerPoint presentations and improv comedy? PowerPoint Karaoke might be the perfect team activity or icebreaker for you!

This article goes in-depth to teach you about PowerPoint Karaoke and how to play. We also have free PowerPoint Karaoke presentations you can try by yourself or with friends.


What is PowerPoint Karaoke?

PowerPoint Karaoke is an improvisational game where players take turns making a presentation based on slides they have never seen before. It is named after the presentation software, PowerPoint, and karaoke, where players sing along to pre-recorded backing tracks.

In PowerPoint Karaoke, players need to quickly adapt to a series of slides with nonsensical information or images in order to make the “best” presentation. 

“Best” is obviously a subjective measure, so this can lead to funny and unpredictable presentations, and it is a great activity for team-building, theatresports, conferences, and other types of social gatherings.

What are the rules of PowerPoint Karaoke?

There are many different ways to play PowerPoint Karaoke, but they typically involve…

  • Two or more teams or players who need to make presentations on different topics
  • Two or more presentations (one per team) that the presenters have not seen before
  • Audience engagement to judge the performance of each team

Here are some variations of how you can play.

Rules for Classic PowerPoint Karaoke

The classic PowerPoint Karaoke setup involves multiple teams each selecting a presenter, slide decks that auto-advance, and a judging system to determine the winning presenters or team.

  • Players break into two (or more) teams
  • Each team nominates a presenter and chooses a presentation for the other team to present. The presentations should be about 10 slides long
  • Once the presentations are selected, the presentations begin
  • Each presenter starts, and every 20 seconds, their slideshow automatically advances
  • Once the presentations are over, the audience chooses the best presentation

Alternative Rules for PowerPoint Karaoke

  • Taboo PowerPoint Karaoke - This variation of PowerPoint Karaoke adopts the rules from the popular board game Taboo, and it adds a challenge where presenters are not allowed to use any of the words from a list of “Taboo” words.
  • PowerPoint Against Humanity - This variation of PowerPoint Karaoke is interactive and involves each player inserting slides into the presenters’ presentation to come up with a final presentation.
  • PowerPecha- This variation involves presenting an actual presentation on a certain topic in “Pecha Kucha” style. Preferably it involves matching up someone with an in-depth presentation that is completely unrelated to their area of expertise.

Free slide decks for PowerPoint Karaoke

PowerPoint Karaoke slide deck previews

The best presentations for PowerPoint Karaoke typically have the following attributes:

  • They start with a strong title slide to set the presenter down a certain path. Some of the best starting points are strong points of view on persuasive topics or incredibly detailed scientific findings
  • The slides are filled with unrelated images, graphs, and diagrams that will make the audience laugh. (Team photos, memes, inspirational posters, and inside jokes are all great slides for PowerPoint Karaoke)
  • Let the person know when they are on the last slide, so they can close their presentation
  • They are similarly predictable and unpredictable between players

Here are 4 free slide decks for your next game of PowerPoint Karaoke.

  1. How Gen-Z should invest their money (by Taylor Swift)
  2. what i do at work
  3. Best Ways to Extend Your Life
  4. String theory for kindergarteners

Tips for PowerPoint Karaoke

  • Use your body - Gestures, movement, and acting things out is a great way to get laughs and get into your presentation
  • Just start talking - Say something, even if it’s gibberish. Don’t worry about the words you’re saying. Have fun, and just go with the vibes!
  • Decide on your style - Pick a style for your presentation and try to keep it up through your PowerPoint Karaoke slot
  • Relate to yourself and the audience - Find ways to bring the story, slides, and pictures back to yourself and your audience

Using AI for PowerPoint Karaoke

Need a bunch of slides for a PowerPoint Karaoke event? Unfortunately, our AI can’t present for you, but you can use Plus AI to quickly generate slides with different styles and content. 

It’s especially great for variants of PowerPoint Karaoke where you need everyone to quickly come up with a new slide or you need a quick overview tech on a new topic.


PowerPoint Karaoke is a great team activity, and as long as everyone embraces the embarrassment, it’s a fun way to bond over presentations and slide shows.

By the way, if you’re someone who likes making and presenting slides for fun, you should definitely check out Plus AI, an AI presentation maker for professional presentation makers.

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