Sample presentation

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How does it work?
You give us a topic
Tell us about the company or industry you are interested in learning more about
Our AI creates a research report
We use the latest AI technologies to create an easy-to-digest presentation
We send you the link to the slides
Customize your presentation and share with your coworkers
More sample slide decks
Live Snapshots of any app
QBRs and sales presentations
Automate your client reports and generate presentations for pitch meetings.
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Webinars and training decks
Create online courses, training materials, and other educational content.
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Stop wasting time on slides
Any of your other presentations
Pitch decks, client overviews, weekly meetings, book reports, and anything else you need.
Get a presentation
Do it yourself with Plus AI
Install the Plus AI extension
Works with Google Slides and PowerPoint
Try it yourself
Generate a presentation
Start from a prompt or upload a file.
Make it yours
With the help of our AI-powered editing tools for writing, formatting, translation, and more.

Need a custom template?

Custom designs with Plus AI for Enterprise
If you have an existing design or need more complex slides than our base template offers, we can convert or create a custom template for you in just a few days.
Get a demo
Custom template
We'll convert your existing template or design a new one based on your brand guidelines.
AI compatibility
Your custom template works with our entire suite of AI tools for generating and editing slides.
Works where you do
Works within Google Slides and PowerPoint. Export to whatever format you need.
Empowering content creators at companies big and small.