8 best AI prompt generators in 2024

To make the most of any AI tool you use, you need accurate, detailed, and specific prompts. But no one’s born a great prompt engineer. Use these eight AI prompt generators to get a headstart.

You need accurate, detailed, and specific prompts to make the most of any AI tool you use. The problem? It can take a long time to learn how to write great prompts. No one is born a great prompt engineer - especially considering people have only been writing prompts for a couple of years!

Using AI prompt generators can give you a headstart. I found over 35 AI prompt generators in the market, and here are the best eight.

The 8 best AI prompt generators

What makes a great AI prompt generator?

Before we talk about the best AI prompt generators in detail, it’s crucial to understand what goes into choosing a good one. Here are three parameters I evaluated every generator on:

  • Compatibility: A prompt generator doesn’t need to be compatible with all the AI tools in the market, but it’s best if it’s at least available for the popular ones. For instance, if it’s specifically an AI art prompt generator, it should have specialized prompt engineering tools for Stable Diffusion and Midjourney.
  • Specificity of prompts: Anyone can come up with generic prompts. An AI prompt generator should give you prompt ideas that are out of the box and as precise as possible.
  • Result of the prompt: I checked the results I got by using the prompt generator’s prompts and whether they were any close to what I had in mind. The lesser editing the prompt requires, the better.

Considering these three evaluation points, I found the eight best AI prompt generators.

1: PromptPerfect

Best for using one prompt generator for all AI tools

PromptPerfect is the best overall AI prompt generator for all popular AI tools. It helps you create prompts for ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, MidJourney, Lexica, GPT4, Claude, and more.

The optimized prompts are great, too — PromptPerfect makes your prompts detailed, specific, and actionable for any AI tool you choose. There’s a tab, “what has been optimized?” to show you exactly what PromptPerfect has done to improve your prompt.

There’s a button to use PromptPerfect’s prompt on the vendor’s website, too — very user-friendly because you don’t have to copy-paste the prompt into the AI tool you’re using.

Lastly, an Arena feature shows the results similar AI tools would show for the same prompt — excellent if you want to compare which AI to use or mix-and-match results from various AI models.

Price: 20 credits for free. Paid plans start at $9.99/month for 100 credits.

2: Taskade

Best for AI-powering your entire workflow

Taskade is a powerhouse of AI tools. It can not only generate prompts but also store your to-do list, take your meeting notes, and become your note-taking hub. If you’re an AI fanatic, you’ll love Taskade. You can use it as your second brain for everything.

Its AI prompt generator isn’t the best in the market, but it can get the job done. Taskade’s AI prompt generator specifically might be best for users who only need a first draft of a prompt to build off from.

The specialty of Taskade is it can become your all-in-one tool for everything work-related — replacing Asana, ClickUp, Notion, Google Docs, Miro, Slack, and even Zoom (it has video chat and hefty collaboration options). It’s not the best choice if you’re looking for specialized AI prompt generators only.

Think of Taskade as your workplace AI assistant — the AI prompt generator is just a cherry on top.

Price: Free plan available with limited features. Paid plans start at $8/month for three members. Teams would prefer the $39/month plan for 20 members.

3: Phraser

Best for using others’ prompts to inspire your own

Phraser is an AI prompt generator that helps you use others’ prompts to inspire your own. It’s limited to AI art prompts (no text options — meaning you can’t use it for ChatGPT or GPT4 prompt inspiration).

Type your prompt in the search bar like you would on Google, and Phraser shows various images that match your prompt. The more detailed you are here, the better. Instead of, “sad employee,” for example, search for, “sad employee working in an office sitting in front of a laptop.” Specific prompts will give you images closer to your output.

Once you see an image you like, click on it, and Phraser will share the prompt used to generate that image along with the model (like Stable Diffusion) and the prompt creator’s name.

You can copy and tweak the prompt shown by Phraser to make a prompt of your own. Or even better: Click “see similar” and see the prompts used by various images that fit the same category. Mix and match these prompts to generate even better results on your choice of AI art tool.

If you use AI art prompt generator for different needs, store them in categorized collections so they’re easy to reference whenever you need them.

Price: Basic plan starts at $2/month.

Alternative: PromptHero works similarly — an AI prompt generator helping you build your prompts using others’ prompts as inspiration. It’s also available for ChatGPT. The prompts are also more detailed. But the biggest con is PromptHero has a severely limited directory of prompts. You may get “no results” several times for your queries.

4: MidJourney Prompt Helper

Best for MidJourney prompts

If you’re looking for an AI prompt generator for MidJourney, I found MidJourney Prompt Helper by Noonshot to be the best one. It’s beginner-friendly — write the basics of an image you want and choose from the various options of style, color, lighting, and more. The more specific you are, the better your prompt.

The best part about this MidJourney Prompt Helper is it’s very easy to use — if you know the know-how of photography and are clear on what you want, this AI prompt generator can assist in creating great prompts.

I’d still recommend adding details bit by bit, seeing how they stack up on MidJourney, and then embellishing with more details. It’ll help you track where you might be going wrong with a prompt generating inaccurate images.

If you want, you can also upload an image for inspiration, and MidJourney Prompt Helper will generate a prompt based on that image.

Price: Free.

Alternative: Viorel Spînu Prompt Generator is a good alternative — more suitable for users who have ultra-specific needs for their images like aspect ratio, image weight, height, and more.

5: WebUtility

Best for detailed ChatGPT prompts

What MidJourney Prompt Helper is to MidJourney, WebUtility is to ChatGPT. WebUtility creates detailed ChatGPT prompts by asking you a few questions like the action you want (create, analyze, explain, etc.), the focus (concept, design, solution), and your existing prompt with any context you’d like to add.

I found the more detailed context you add, the better WebUtility works, and by extension, the better results you get on ChatGPT. Try a few iterations before you land on a prompt and see which prompt brings you the best results — it takes a couple of tries to get the best out of WebUtility.

The learning curve is minimal, though. After a few uses, you’ll learn how to best utilize WebUtility and generate excellent ChatGPT prompts quickly. It’s easy to use and has tons of potential — making it suitable for beginners and experts alike.

Price: Free.

6: AI Text Prompt Generator

Best for beginner users of AI art tools

If you haven’t ever used AI art tools like MidJourney and Stable Diffusion, generating images through them can be like trying to learn a new language. AI Text Prompt Generator is your mentor, helping you go from the beginner to the intermediate level.

The first step is entering a base prompt — the basics of the kind of image you want. Select the category of the subject you want (animal, character, scenes) and the action you desire for that subject to do (cooking, sleeping, yelling). You can stop here and test how your prompt works. Or you can go into more detail and add patterns, the kind of realism you want, lighting choices, and more.

Your first shot likely won’t be a great prompt, but treat it like a playing ground. You sharpen the saw the more you use it, and you learn to write great prompts along the way. The journey to getting a great prompt that’ll generate good results in Stable Diffusion, MidJourney, or DALL-E requires very few tries — even fewer if you’re already a pro just needing a helping hand.

Price: Free builder available. Paid builder (also containing ChatGPT prompts) is available at $48 for lifetime access or $18/month.

7: 52 Prompts

Best for getting creative text prompts

52 Prompts isn’t for regular marketing use. It’s not technically an AI prompt generator either, but you can use it as one.

It has tons of silly ideas you can use for creative writing or put into ChatGPT to see the magic happen.

I’d recommend this workflow:

  • Find a creative idea through 52 Prompts
  • Use WebUtility to refine that prompt
  • Enter it into ChatGPT
  • See the results

52 Prompts is great for when you’re in a creative rut, and your brain can’t come up with original ideas. Or use it just for fun. Whatever rocks your boat.

Price: Free.

Alternative: Robert Peake’s Poetry Prompt Generator works similarly for poetry. It gives you words to use in your poems, along with some challenges. If you’re looking for a fiction story, try Servicescape Fiction Prompt Generator. It gives a detailed writing prompt for a story based on the choices you input.

8: Easy-Peasy

Best to improve your image prompts

Easy-Peasy is in the middle of PromptPerfect and Taskade. It isn’t as powerful as Taskade, but it isn’t as limited as PromptPerfect, either. Easy-Peasy can be used for generating AI images, AI Twitter threads, AI LinkedIn posts, and so much more.

But the best use case I found for Easy-Peasy is improving your prompts for using AI art tools. Whenever you enter a prompt into its system, there’s an option to “improve prompt.” Once you click on it, Easy-Peasy acts as an AI prompt generator and makes your prompt so much better.

It embellishes your prompt with details and brings it to life. Entering the improved prompt will yield much better results in all AI art tools.

Price: Free plan available with limited features. Paid plans begin at $4.99/month.

Alternative: Nichesss is a similar tool with various hosts of AI services. Its AI prompt helper isn’t as accurate as Easy-Peasy, but I like that Nichesss can be used to generate stories too. You can enter this in ChatGPT and use it as a building-off point for your story.

Use AI to help with AI

Employing AI prompt generators is taking AI’s help to help with other AI. There are tons of prompt generators in the market, but the eight listed here have something unique to offer.

If AI prompt generators aren’t your thing, or if you just want to experiment with something new, try prompt templates. Many tools like PromptPal, AIPRM, and Prompt Vine contain prompt templates you can customize and take inspiration from. Want to take it even further? Explore AI prompt marketplaces like Prompt Base and PromptSea to buy prompts others have built.

Now that you know where to generate the best prompts try them out in an AI slide maker, like Plus AI.

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