How to use AI in PowerPoint

When you need help creating content and layouts for your PowerPoint, AI is the ideal tool. Here are two ways to use AI in PowerPoint for your next presentation.

Whether you need a lengthy slideshow to express all points for your mission or a short presentation to demonstrate a product or service, artificial intelligence can make the creation process a much quicker and simpler one.

Instead of spending hours or even days building your slideshow, look at how to use AI in PowerPoint. The ideas and concepts are yours; AI in PowerPoint simply helps you assemble them in an easy-to-present way.

How to use AI in PowerPoint with Plus AI

Using Plus AI for PowerPoint, you can create new presentations as well as edit existing ones. With each, you have great flexibility, helpful options, and ultimate control over the final product.

Create a PowerPoint presentation with Plus AI

To build a new PowerPoint slideshow with Plus AI, you have a variety of starters. From templates and themes for the appearance to file uploads and AI prompts for the content, you can begin with whichever features work best for you.

  1. Open a Blank Presentation, go to the Insert tab, and click Plus AI in the ribbon.
  2. When the sidebar opens, choose New presentation.
  1. In the pop-up window, you can Start from scratch with the content or Start from a template and select an attractive design. 

As an example, we’ll choose the Minimalist Light template to get started.

  1. Next, use a prompt, upload a file, or go slide-by-slide with your content. We’ll choose Use a prompt to let Plus AI to quickly create the content for us based on our description.
  1. You can then select the type of presentation such as a Pitch Deck, Client Proposal, or Education and enter your prompt in the box. 

As suggestions when you describe the slideshow you want to create, include a company name, add locations, define a mission, list goals, and enter any other important details you want to present.

  1. On the right, you can adjust the options for language, number of slides, and include Plus AI tips to help you enhance the presentation.
  2. When you finish, click Generate Outline.
  3. You’ll then see the slide titles which you can edit, rearrange, or remove. Select Generate Slides to create the presentation.

And that’s all there is to it!

This is just one example of how to create a slideshow with Plus AI for PowerPoint. But as you can see, you have plenty of flexibility and features for your own presentation.

Edit a PowerPoint presentation with Plus AI

After you create your presentation or if you have an existing one already, you can use Plus AI for PowerPoint to edit it. This includes adding slides and content, rewriting text, and remixing slide layouts.

With your slideshow open, go to the Insert tab and pick Plus AI in the ribbon. When the sidebar opens, choose Edit with AI and select the type of edit you want to make. You’ll see a description of each option.

Insert a slide

You may decide that you need another slide in your presentation and Plus AI can generate it for you. Just enter the slide title, content you want to include, and pick a template and layout.

Click Generate Slide and you’ll see your new slide appear.

Rewrite text

Maybe you need a bit of help rewording text or would like to format it as a list. This is no problem for Plus AI. Select your slide content, add a description of the change and optionally pick a preset, and click Rewrite selected text.

Notice that you can even use Rewrite current slide or even Rewrite all slides if you prefer!

Remix a slide

Want to switch up the slide layout to better present your content? Plus AI comes through here too. Pick a different template if you like, choose the layout, and hit Remix Slide.

When you edit your slideshow with Plus AI, you can try different things to see which best enhance your presentation. And, if you want to reverse something you do, just click Undo.

How to use AI in PowerPoint with Copilot

Getting started with Copilot for PowerPoint

The first step to get Copilot in PowerPoint is signing up for a license and then finding the actual Copilot button. 

To purchase Copilot, visit the Copilot for Microsoft 365 page (instead of the Copilot chatbot page) and then follow the instructions to buy a license. 

Afterwards, you may have to look in a few different places to enable Copilot. For me, the Copilot button does not appear in my desktop PowerPoint app, but it does appear in the web version of PowerPoint

How to create a presentation using Copilot

Copilot is a chatbot that lives in the sidebar of your PowerPoint app. To make a new presentation, just type in a chat command, and Copilot will begin generating your presentation. 

Try something like “create a pitch deck for a startup that creates lower cost solar panels,” or you can also use the suggested commands to get started on a new presentation.

Once complete, you can make edits to the slides like it is a normal PowerPoint presentation, and you can even use the PowerPoint designer tool to reformat and redesign the slides.

If, however, you find the slide designs are relatively basic and/or you would like to use a different template, try Plus AI, which can create more sophisticated presentations that are better suited for professional presentation. 


With these options for using AI in PowerPoint, you can create content that resonates with your audience and present it in an eye-catching way. Take advantage of AI to build presentations that aren’t just successful, but memorable as well.


How to use ChatGPT in PowerPoint?

Technically, you can’t use ChatGPT within the PowerPoint application. But there are ways to use ChatGPT as an AI generator to create outlines, slide titles, and content descriptions for your presentation. Check out our how-to for using ChatGPT for PowerPoint presentations to get started.

Is there any AI for making PPT?

While there are plenty of AI presentation makers on the market, Plus AI stands out with its robust and unique feature set. From building new slideshows to editing existing ones, you not only get the help you need from AI but remain in control of the final presentation.

Take Plus AI for a test drive and see for yourself!

How to convert Word to PPT using AI free?

Along with the ability to use Plus AI in PowerPoint, you can check out Plus AI’s Word to PPT converter and transform your document into a presentation for free! Be sure to review the additional free tools for other types of conversions.

Table of Contents
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