Sample presentation

AI for all of your presentations

Ask our AI to create a presentation, and we'll send a custom slide deck directly to your inbox, powered by Plus AI.

How does it work?
You give us a topic
Ask our AI to create a strategy deck, a marketing plan, or slides for your next client update.
Our AI creates a presentation
We use the latest AI technologies to create an easy-to-digest presentation.
We send you the link to the slides
Customize your presentation and share with your coworkers.
More sample slide decks
Live Snapshots of any app
QBRs and sales presentations
Automate your client reports and generate presentations for pitch meetings.
Get a QBR deck
Stop sharing logins
Webinars and training decks
Create online courses, training materials, and other educational content.
Get a webinar deck
No more copy and paste
Strategy and research reports
Let our AI develop the first draft of your next strategy or research presentation.
Get a research report
Do it youself with Plus AI
Install the Plus AI extension
Works with Google Slides and PowerPoint
Jumpstart your presentation
Never start from scratch again. Use a prompt or upload a file.
Make it yours
With our AI-powered editing tools for writing, formatting, translation, and more.

利用 Plus 企业版 AI 获得更多收益

适用于谷歌幻灯片和 PowerPoint。导出为所需的任何格式。
This is the easiest way to build dashboards I have ever seen — no training or extra tools required. This will save my team hours of work each week.
Tony Huang
CEO, Possible Finance
Plus makes it easier for us to get value out of our tools, rather than struggling to aggregate data.
Mahesh Guruswamy
CTO, Kajabi
Plus is the perfect solution for our weekly executive meetings, where we review data from a dozen different tools.
Shane Kovalsky
CEO, Mystery