Professional Job Interview and Case Study

A professional-looking template to present prior work or a case study to prospective employers or clients during an interview.

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This is a sample preview. Try the template in Plus AI to get a custom-designed presentation.

Use this job interview template to present your work history, highlight prior projects and experiences, and/or present a case study assignment. These sample slides can be adapted whether you're a designer presenting a creative portfolio or interviewing for a business or management role and need to show off strategy and analysis skills.

Features of this template

  • 25+ slides for any job interview
  • Classic, professional design is suitable for any creative or business role
  • Sample slides for presenting prior work projects in your portfolio AND case study assignments specific to the interview
  • Suitable for business analyst and strategy roles, manager and executive interviews, as well as creative or design jobs.
  • Example slides: About me, resume, work history, personal statement; project overview, context, goals, deliverables, and impact; Case study problem statement, frameworks, market analysis, competitor analysis, recommendations.
  • Includes a customizable Google Sheets template to create matching charts.

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How to use this template

Plus AI for Google Slides or PowerPoint

Generate a custom presentation using this template in a few clicks.

  1. Install Plus AI for Google Slides or Plus AI for PowerPoint.
  2. Launch the add-in to create a new presentation.
  3. Go to Start from a template. Select your template.
  4. Enter a prompt or upload a file to generate a custom presentation.
  5. Continue editing with Insert, Remix, and Rewrite.
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How to use this template

Google Slides
Open the template and make a copy to edit and save.
Open the template in Google Slides. Click on File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).

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