Modern aesthetic consulting client proposal

A warm and simple presentation template for sharing consulting project proposals with clients.

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This is a sample preview. Try the template in Plus AI to get a custom-designed presentation.

This client proposal template is perfect for creating aesthetic presentations to share with prospective clients. It's easy to read, and it's easy to customize for your business needs.

Features of this template

  • 10 slides to use as templates for a client proposal.
  • Simple proposal structure and design can be adapted for a variety of uses.
  • Sample slides include table of contents, budget table, timeline, and other variation of text and image slides.
  • Beautiful, refined designs highlight your proposal and prior experience.

Tips and tricks

How to use this template

Plus AI for Google Slides or PowerPoint

Generate a custom presentation using this template in a few clicks.

  1. Install Plus AI for Google Slides or Plus AI for PowerPoint.
  2. Launch the add-in to create a new presentation.
  3. Go to Start from a template. Select your template.
  4. Enter a prompt or upload a file to generate a custom presentation.
  5. Continue editing with Insert, Remix, and Rewrite.
Learn more

How to use this template

Google Slides
Open the template and make a copy to edit and save.
Open the template in Google Slides. Click on File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).

Need a custom template?

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