What our users say

Read what our users have to say about Plus AI!

We built Plus AI to make our users' lives easier, so we always make sure to stay on top of their feedback.

Gwenette WriterSinclair (July 13, 2023)

"Our team loves it for brainstorming ..."

Excellent tool that saves me a significant amount of time. It creates a presentation that needs only minor editing when used with detailed prompts. Our team loves it for brainstorming and account reps use it for collaborating with clients.

Adrian Zachman (July 9, 2023)


"... saves me a lot of time"

Plus AI is essential for google slides! Generates beautiful presentations, and saves me a lot of time. Recommended!

Dominic B (July 6, 2023)

"Astonishly simple ..."

Astonishly simple, and with super performance. Impressed

Serena Mariani (July 3, 2023)

"... it's the start of a great product."

As it stands, it's the start of a great product (disclaimer: I used the free version). It did generate an excellent outline from my prompt, and a decent variety of slide templates (more would be available in the paid version). I am looking forward to playing with it more.

Noam Bedein SMC (July 2, 2023)

"... integrating artificial intelligence, such as the PLUS AI, into my existing presentations has taken them to new heights ..."

As a photojournalist and international lecturer, I have been a loyal user of Google Slides for my live and virtual presentations. I have created numerous presentations on Google Slides, but they have started to feel outdated and in need of a refresh. These presentations are a vital part of my work, as they have the power to influence public opinion and create a larger impact.

With my expertise in content creation and virtual reality training for storytelling, integrating artificial intelligence, such as the PLUS AI, into my existing presentations has taken them to new heights that will engage my audience in a more impactful way. The possibilities are endless!

Kat Murray (July 1, 2023)

"I really like the tips on each slide ..."

I got Plus AI for Google Slides to help me design a slide deck for a presentation. The presentation came out great and I am refining it (with Plus AI's help) in order to present to my colleagues next week! The setup was easy and Plus AI created a great structure and talking points for my presentation. I really like the tips on each slide to help me choose images or expand on a point. This tool is now in my arsenal!

Leonardo Bustamante (June 30, 2023)

"This is a great tool."

This is a great tool.  It's very useful.  help me with a beginning path.

Jason Wong HL (June 19, 2023)

"... I can see this being a fantastic tool in anyone's productivity belt."

This is a great time saver and awesome for creating the skeleton of your presentation. The AI prompts generally work pretty well, but on occasion do not return anything. Still, it's early stages and I can see this being a fantastic tool in anyone's productivity belt.

Carlos figueira (June 12, 2023)

"If you use Google Slides a lot, I highly recommend giving Plus AI a try."

Hey, have you heard of Plus AI for Google Slides? It's seriously changed the game for me regarding making presentations. I'm giving it a solid five stars because it's made my life so much easier.

Basically, this tool helps you be more productive, collaborate in real time, and improve the quality of your presentations. It analyzes your content and gives you smart design suggestions. Plus, it's super easy to use and integrates seamlessly with Google Slides. If you use Google Slides a lot, I highly recommend giving Plus AI a try.

Cat Bagsic (June 12, 2023)

"It's always better to start with something rather than starting from scratch or a blank slate."

Saved me a lot of time in creating the outline and basic framework of my presentations. Templates are on-point and are very useful. Once templates are created, you can customize these templates and also use for other purposes. It's always better to start with something rather than starting from scratch or a blank slate. This had saved a great amount of my time and effort.

Steven Yoon (June 12, 2023)

"... slide designs that are suitable for business."

Simple and to the point slide designs that are suitable for business. Integration between Google Slides and Powerpoint is seamless, so this will be my primary workflow in generating slides.

Simon Douglass (June 1, 2023)

"Would massively recommend."

This is SO good and has saved me so , so much time. Would massively recommend.

Israt Jahan (May 30, 2023)

"... allowing me to simplify this process and automate a ton of manual work."

As a PM, I'm always juggling data from multiple tools, presentations, reports, and team updates. Plus AI and Snapshots have been a game-changer, allowing me to simplify this process and automate a ton of manual work.

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