The most overused ChatGPT words

The most overused ChatGPT words and phrases. Check out these 18 terms that indicate something was written by ChatGPT

If you’re looking for how to figure out whether ChatGPT wrote something, here are some of the most commonly used ChatGPT words and phrases that indicate something may have been written by ChatGPT.

Sometimes, words become more popular over time - for example, people used the word "pandemic" a lot more in 2020 than in the previous years. However, doing an analysis of academic papers shows that there are many words that were not related to any world-wide trends that started getting used a lot more beginning in 2023 (presumably because of ChatGPT).

This list of the most overused ChatGPT words is a compilation of research from several bloggers, Reddit users, and academic papers.

Most overused ChatGPT words

  • Delve
  • Tapestry
  • Vibrant
  • Landscape
  • Realm
  • Embark
  • Excels
  • Vital
  • Comprehensive
  • Intricate
  • Pivotal
  • Moreover
  • Arguably
  • Notably

Most overused ChatGPT phrases

  • Dive into…
  • It’s important to note…
  • It’s important to remember…
  • Important to consider…
  • Based on the information provided…
  • Remember that…
  • Navigating the [landscape]/[complexities of]
  • Delving into the intricacies of...
  • A testament to…

Obvious ChatGPT phrases

  • I'm sorry, but as an AI Language Model, I cannot...
  • As an AI language model… 
  • As of my last…


Just because a document contains some of these phrases does not mean that it was conclusively written by ChatGPT; however, these are phrases which statistically appear more often in ChatGPT outputs than typical human-written text.

One tip to make ChatGPT writing more human is to give ChatGPT instructions to avoid using these words and phrases. You will also get better results from ChatGPT if you write more effective prompts that provide examples of good writing and details about what you want, or use specialized tools like AI presentation makers that can create more natural content for your use case.

(We will continue adding to this list as OpenAI continues to update ChatGPT and its language evolves.)

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Table of Contents
  1. Item text